Why is life so hard?

Have you ever felt this way? I have really been struggling lately to put some more blog posts together. It has felt like there are always other things I need to get done. So I just decided to post about what is going on with me right now. I am always one of those people that feel like I should be somewhere else or doing something else. It is hard for me to be with what is going on right now. So I have decided to get back to basics. What are the basics? Well here is my list and hopefully it will help you too.

1. Count your small accomplishments daily- Again, I usually focus on the things I did not get done. However, every day I accomplish something. So at the end of the day I have to look back on all of the things I did accomplish in that day and give gratitude for the small things. I still have my to do list, I just look at it differently now. Even though I may not have accomplished everything on my to do list, I can see that I do still get things done each day.
2. Muster up the strength of faith- This is a hard one. Faith sounds easy, but it is easily pushed aside for our own agenda. I have to believe and rest assured that even though I may not be where I think I should be or doing what I think I should be doing, that there is a bigger plan that is out of my view. It is being held to bigger standards and with bigger rewards. I have to get myself out of my small thinking and remember that I may not know what the bigger plan is, but it is unfolding now exactly as it should be.
3. Make myself a priority – I always feel better when I am rested and can be fully open to new teachings and learnings. If I don’t take the time to sit quietly with myself, I cannot be in touch with what is going on within me. I have my to do lists and my family and volunteering and teaching and etc., etc. But the most important thing is for me to be with me. I cannot be fully effective if I am not in touch with where I am emotionally, physically and mentally. I have to take the time each day to just have my quiet time and refocus my energy in myself. This is not in a narcissistic, egoic way. It is in a recharging, loving way. And by doing this it will bring me back to the mentality for my first two basics. Be grateful and have faith.

Hope you have an amazing day!

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